by Safesport ID | Aug 3, 2016 | Events
Inspired in the bird of prey that lives in the spanish Pyrenees, the Quebrantahuesos is a must for all the bike lovers. Along its 200 kilometres, we will enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the Pyrenees but we will also suffer along its four mountain ports, among which we can find the Marie Blanque, a regular at Tour de France. Quebrantahuesos is one of the most important cyclotourist rides in Spain. With the departure an the arrival located at Sabiñánigo, Huesca, the riders in this non-competitive race will have the chance to share its 200 kilometres together with thousands of cyclists from all over the world. Quebrantahuesos is not only the name of a race, but also the name of one of the fiercests birds, the bearded vulture and the cyclotourist ride honours its name and will test the most experienced ciclysts with an itinerary in which the participants will find a total of 4 mountain ports such as the Marie Blanque (a regular at Tour de France) and the Portalet. The registration is open for everybody, from professionals to amateurs, although the slots are always chosed by drawing lots. Quebrantahuesos: much more than a cyclotourist ride This cyclotourist ride started thanks to Peña Ciclista Edelweiss, a club from Saniñánigo. However, and as Quebrantahuesos was not enough for the organizers, 13 years ago they gave birth to Treparriscos, Quebrantahuesos’ little sister. Treparriscos is a 85 kilometres-long ride for those who prefer a shorter and more relaxed itinerary. Treparriscos, as Quebrantahuesos, receives its name from a bird that lives in the spanish Pyrenees, the wallcreeper, smaller than the bearded vulture. Quebrantahuesos is not...
by Safesport ID | Jul 28, 2016 | Triathlon
We all know how difficult it is to make compatible romance with an intensive training. These difficulties are multiplied by 3 in the case of triathlon, but sometimes it’s also positive to see things from a wider view and think about the bright side of having a triathlete in your family: Healthy lifestyle: An expert in nutrition, helathy lifestyle and training will be available for you 24/7. Furthermore, he or she will be more than wiling to share tips, advice and experiences with you (even when you don’t ask) Yoy may discover a sport that you have never thought about: once you try it (if you dare) you will be able to say that at least you have tried, and you will have discovered a new sport (or three) that may not only surprise you but also hook you. An expert will guide your steps and will share with you her/his passion, strengthening your relationship. You can dress more casually: even if he or she is in great shape, we all know that the last thing a triathlete is worried about is fashion, and will just stick to the main sports clothing brands. However, be prepared to find spandex clothes every now and then hanging at the shower rack, a huge colection of running sneakers all around your house and fluo-colored t-shirts in the washing machine. New friends: thanks to the many events you will be attending, your partner will be able to make new friends, with whom they will share their passion, advice and experiences. Furthermore, for sure you will meet other triathlete’s partners that will bring you...
by Safesport ID | Jul 22, 2016 | Children
Taking your kids to the beach can be a fantastic experience for the whole family: you have the opportunity to spend a relaxing day, your kids can play with the waves, the sand and you can teach them to swim and enjoy the water, creating bonds and memories that will last forever. However, there are many things you should pay attention to, from the high temperatures and the sun to the tide and the animals that your children can find while playing in the water Follow this advice to be successful at combining kids and beach We offer you advice to enjoy a beach day whilst taking care of the safety and the well-being of your children. Sun: avoid the full exposure between 11 am and 4pm, as those are hours when the sun can hit harder on our skin, and make sure that your kids are fully protected with sunscreen. You should renew the sunscreen every 2 or 3 hours and after swimming. If possible, use a beach umbrella so that your kids can be protected from the sunbeams. Remember as well that a 6 months old baby shouldn’t be directly exposed to the sunbeams, and that the sunscreen can cause allergies and skin irritation, so choose the sunscreen wisely and always keep him&her under the sun umbrella. Water: first of all, make sure that is possible to get into the water and that there is no yellow or red flag. If your children don’t know how to swim, give them water wings or rubber rings, and make them stay where they can touch the bottom. Furthermore, this is a...
by Safesport ID | Jul 20, 2016 | History
How did the marathon started? Why is it exactly 42,195 km? When did it become a Olympic sport? We will answer all these questions and more in this review of the history of the 42,195 km. There are many different versions of how the marathon was started We all know the legend of the first marathon: Philippides, a Greek messenger, ran the distance from the city of Marathon to Athens, where he announced the victory of the Greek army over the Persians in the Battle of Marathon, before collapsing and dying on the spot. However, there seems to be different versions of this story. A second version states that the Greek soldiers, all highly-trained athletes, ran from Marathon to Athens after winning the Battle of Marathon so they could defend the capital before more Persian ships arrived. A third version suggests that our messenger Philippides ran, not just almost 42 km from Marathon to Athens, but about 240 km from Athens to Sparta; that the run took place not after the battle was won, but before it began; and that the message to be delivered was not a victorious announcement, but a warning about the impending arrival of the Persian army. When was the marathon consider an Olympic sport? We can’t know for sure what really happened, but one thing is clear: this race became an Olympic event during Athens 1896, and has closed the Olympic games ever since. The distance of the first Olympic marathon was 41.8 km, which is the actual distance between the Greek cities of Marathon and Athens. However, as we all know, 41.8 km is...
by Safesport ID | Jul 4, 2016 | Security
Some people has been asking lately the reason why we don’t use QR codes for our bracelets. Although it may seem obvious, today we would like to explain the reasons why we decided not to include these codes in our bracelets. Although they may seem really convenient in certain situations, if we think about it, we don’t really use QR codes in our daily life as often. Yes, we have use them at the airports and at the entrance of concerts and venues, and we see them quite often in marketing campaigns on the newspapers and magazines, but not much besides that. However, and according to information from PuroMarketing, the level of penetration of QR codes readers in our smartphones is really low and, as of 2013, only the 12% of the users of smartphones had ever scanned a QR code. We should also keep in mind that this information is from 2013 and the situation as of today has not improved. Why are we not using QR codes in our bracelets? In case of an incident, the emergency services will need to understand that the QR code in our bracelet may contain important information about us, but the problems are not ending at this point. The people that will be helping us, must have a QR code reader downloaded and installed in their smartphone, and we already know that the chances of a person having a QR code reader in their smartphone are really low. Furthermore, the smartphone must have battery and internet. Therefore, wouldn’t it be easier if the data was directly engraved in our bracelet, as we do...
by Safesport ID | Jun 27, 2016 | Events
With its 92 km and 7.344 metres of ascent, the Ultra Trail Valls d’Àneu is one of the hardest races you can imagine, only for the most experienced runners. Departing and arriving at Esterri d’Aneu, the Ultra Trail Valls d’Àneu will take its participants through a stunning itinerary through the National Park of Aiguestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici and the Parc Natural del Alt Pirineu in Lérida, Spain. The itinerary of this race it’s not only really demanding but also, and as the race’s organizer of the race defines it “untamed”. “The UTVA will make the runner suffer and feel how ti is to run in the mountain” Lloret declares. How was the Ultra Trail Valls d’Àneu born? “It actually started as a hommage for our Friends Edu, Just and Quique, who lost their life in an unfortunate accident” said Ramón Villuendas, race director and also major of Esterri d’Àneu. The first edition took place on 2009 but with a shorter distance and since then the race has been growing and growing every year, attracting runners from the whole world who really appreciate such a hard itinerary. The Ultra Trail Valls d’Àneu in numbers This year the athletes will be able to participate in three different distances that are more fitting for the different profiles of runners that want to take part in this experience: 93K, 45K and 20K. With so many options, there are no excuses for nor participating and enjoy a course that will take us to the most beautiful landscapes of Spain. On 2015 it was the runner Nerea Martínez Urruzola who set the record...